G-climber eco

Plug & Play….let’s go!

Bild des G-Climber im Kopf

Once again it is goracon, setting the standard when it comes to pro tably servicing a wind turbine.

The G-climber eco minimizes your efforts for the time consuming ascends and descends that come with service works.

The advantages are obvious, the lightweight all-in-one mobile drive unit is:

  • easy to transport
  • can be installed/deinstalled in a second to the basic unit
  • comes with included E-box

G-climber Slogan

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Der G-climber an der Leiter montiert


The eco is a universal tool available for every ladder type. Thanks to its elaborate easy-mounting principle the eco can be installed in wind turbine towers in less than an hour. The robust mobile unit with its sturdy design is your reliable companion and most impressive is its self-weight of only 14 kg.

G-climber Detailbild vom Aufstieg

Optionales Zubehör für den G-climber eco

Snap hook for the C-climber


Splice needle for G-climber

Polyester rope for G-climber

Service box for G-climber

Spring balance for G-climber

Flat spanner for G-climber

G-case for C-climber

G-climber technical data